Static Caravan Valuation –
How much is my static caravan worth? What is the market value of my static caravan?
In many ways the value of your static caravan follows a similar pattern to your car. All caravan reduce in value as they get older. Static caravan valuations are based upon Glasses Guide. This is a trade guide listing most static caravan models for the last 20 years, released every 3 months.
The value of your static caravan gets less as each new guide is released. However, static caravan manufacturers launch their new models for the next year each autumn. Then all static caravans in effect become a year older. So from the end of August this year, new 2018 static caravan models will be on sale. The 2017 models will become a year old and the 2016 models 2 years old for example.
Your static caravan’s value may also depend on who you sell it to. It may be worth slightly more to a private buyer than selling it back to the caravan park, or to a static caravan trader. Don’t forget that if you sell your static caravan to a private buyer, you are likely to have a fee to pay to the caravan park and pay all the costs until it has sold. This will be a percentage of the price that you sell the caravan for. Such fees do not apply of you sell your static caravan to a trader like UK Static Buyer. So after you have paid your fees, you may not actually end up with more money from a private sale.
Getting a static caravan valuation is easy.
UK Static Buyer values 100’s of static caravans for owners every year. There is no commitment and no obligation on your part. Our buyers are really friendly and helpful, with years of experience in the static caravan market.
How can you decide to keep, or sell your static caravan without knowing what it’s worth? You can get a static caravan valuation really easily. If you simply fill in your details in the enquiry form we will let you know your static caravan’s market value. Or call us on 0333 200 5826 and one of our buyers will be happy to discuss the value of your static caravan with you.